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Staffordshire & South Cheshire
Woodturners Association


1. Aims and Objectives

a. To foster a greater awareness of the woodturners art and craft.
b. To provide a forum to encourage communication and an exchange of views among woodturners.
c. To arrange meetings, exhibitions and competitions that encourage all to produce and aim for higher quality turnery.
d. To provide an opportunity for woodturners to meet socially.
e. To encourage others to take up Woodturning as a hobby and to help and develop the skills of newcomers.
f. To act as a body representative of the interest of woodturners particularly in Staffordshire and South Cheshire.
g. To provide an annual programme of events

2. Membership

a. Membership of the Staffordshire & South Cheshire Woodturners Association (referred to in this document as S&SCWA) shall not be restrictive but open to anyone on payment of an annual subscription, which includes membership of the Association of Woodturners of Great Britain (referred to in this document as AWGB).
Junior members under the age of 18yrs old, must be accompanied by a Parent or Guardian
b. Membership of the AWGB is mandatory for membership of the S&SCWA.
c. Membership entails the acceptance of responsibility for maintaining the good name of the S&SCWA at all times and an interest in furthering the aims of the S&SCWA.
d. Resignations from the S&SCWA shall be in writing, after fulfilling all obligations to it, or by defaulting on the annual subscription following one reminder. The committee shall have the discretionary power to remove the name of any individual from the list of members of the S&SCWA.
e. Resignation from the AWGB automatically causes the resignation from the S&SCWA.

3. Constitution

a. All paid-up Members shall have the opportunity of entering into the corporate activities of the S&SCWA to attend the AGM, to vote on constitutional matters and to serve on the Committee of the S&SCWA.
b. The affairs of the S&SCWA shall be managed by Committee selected annually in a general meeting.
c. The Committee shall consist of:
Honorary Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
Plus not less than 6 Ordinary Members
d. The Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Publicity Officer shall be elected by the S&SCWA membership at the AGM for a period of 2 years of office after which they shall retire. Retiring Members and Officers shall be eligible for re-election.
e. The Ordinary Members of the Committee shall be elected by the membership at the AGM for a period of 2 years. At least 50% of the Ordinary Members shall retire each year. Retiring Members shall be eligible for re-election.
f. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt other Members to fill vacancies which may arise in their number or to offer guidance on specific matters.
g.The Committee shall meet at intervals determined by the business of the S&SCWA. The meetings shall be convened by the Secretary in conjunction with the Chairman although a meeting shall be convened at any time on the demand of three or more Committee members.
h. If the Chairman is not present then the Committee shall elect their own Chairman from amongst their number.
i. The Chairman shall exercise a second or casting vote if any voting at the committee meeting shall otherwise be equal.
j. A quorum of the Committee shall be 50% of the members to include 1 Officer.
k. The Committee shall be empowered to appoint sub-committees to act on its behalf. The Chairman of such sub-committee(s) shall be a Member or co-opted Member of the Committee.
l. Cheques of the S&SCWA shall be drawn on the signatures of 2 of the 3 Committee Members.
m. The AGM may elect a non-executive President and Vice-Presidents to recognise outstanding contribution to woodturning and/or the S&SCWA.
n. Any amendment to this constitution shall require the affirmative vote of not less than 66% of these members present at the AGM or at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for this purpose.
o. Proposed changes to the constitution must be notifies in writing to the members of the S&SCWA at least 21 days in advance of the meeting of the S&SCWA.
p. After attending 2 meetings a prospective member must take out a subscription or admittance to further meetings will be refused. This rule may be waived at the discretion of the Committee.
q. Dissolution of the S&SCWA shall require the same conditions as amendments to the constitution. Any assets of the S&SCWA shall be donated to a local charity.
r. Branch rules as laid down from time to time by the Executive Committee of the AWGB shall apply in full to the S&SCWA.

4. Meetings of the S&SCWA

a. The Annual General Meeting shall take place at the December meeting. The close of the Financial Year shall be the 30th of November, subscriptions being due in full and payable by the January meeting.
b. The ordinary business to be transacted at the AGM shall be:

  • i. To receive and adopt the Honorary Treasurer's report and statement of account covering the financial affairs of the previous year, verified by independent examination.
  • ii. To receive and adopt the Chairman's report on the previous year's working.
  • iii. To elect Chairman, Officer and Members of the Committee for the following year who will take office after the ballot is completed.
  • iv. Any other business that the committee shall see fit.

c. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by a resolution of the Committee or on receipt of a written request of at least 7 members of the S&SCWA.
d. The Annual Subscription for the coming year will be recommended by the Committee and will include the subscription to the AWGB and be ratified by the membership.

5. Health & Safety

a. All Club members are fully responsible for their own health & safety at all club meetings and events, and of others who may be affected by their actions.
b. The Chairperson shall overall responsibility to ensure all club members are made aware of the current Health & Safety Policy and guidelines published by the AWGB.
c. The Chairperson should ensure that regular risk assessments, equipment checks, and reviews are carried out and reviewed on an annual basis. These should be fully documented along with records of any incidents or near misses. This is to ensure that club equipment is safe for use and that meetings, demonstrations etc. are conducted in a safe manner.
d. The Committee cannot accept responsibility for members actions but must provide a duty of care and due diligence by advising members of any potential risks, hazards etc.

6. Data Protection

a. The S & SCWA takes your privacy seriously and treats your personal details in-line with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) as outlined within the Privacy Policy.

© 2007-2025 – Staffordshire & South Cheshire Woodturners Association