First formed in 1988, Staffordshire and South Cheshire Woodturners Association (SSCWA) has been a local organisation for woodturners for over 30 years.
Affiliated to The Association of Woodturners of Great Britain (AWGB), we offer a warm welcome to everyone, young and old, male, and female, who have an interest in the art of making wood round!
Originally meeting in Milton Stoke on Trent, the club then moved to the Senior Citizens Centre in Newcastle-Under-Lyme, where it was based for 30 years. Due to a change in management and use, the club was forced to close temporarily to find new premises and then lockdown occurred.
During lockdown we started experimenting with Zoom meetings to keep the club together. Initially starting with chats and the occasional demo. This initially posed a few issues but has developed into a worthy addition, enabling us to have demos by turners we would not usually be able to see.
Finding somewhere that could house a load of lathes and equipment and that had a free weekday evening was difficult, but eventually we were pleased to find a home at the Penkhull Village Hall (PVH). Unlike the usual village hall, the PVH was an old Victorian school with a couple of large halls and various rooms, all converted for community use. Giving us ample room when required.
The club meets in the evening from 7:30pm on the second Monday of each month, where we have a demonstration, either live or streamed by various demonstrators including a member's night. During the evening we have a very popular wood raffle. It's a well-known fact, that a turner can never have too much wood! Demo details can be found within the 'Calendar'.
We also run a Hands-On practical session every other Thursday morning, enabling you to learn from the more experienced members or to just, have a go. See 'Hands On' for further details.
We're a friendly bunch and always welcome new members. Visitors are welcome for a small fee which is refundable upon joining. See 'Membership' for further details.
So, what are you waiting for?
Come along and see what it is all about. We look forward to meeting you.